

We develop clinical relevant animals models simulating critical illness. This allows for a better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. Furthmore, using these animals models the efficacy, safety, and mechanisms of novel interventions can be tested before transition to human studies.

Our interest is the failing heart in the setting of diabetes, prediabetes and cardiac valve disease. We specifically study myocardial function and metabolism by positron emission tomography, whole body clamp techniques, invasive hemodynamics and hyperpolarized MR.

We focus on heart valve research and biomechanical assessment of cardiovascular tissue under diseased and healing conditions. Our research relate intimately with our clinical department of CardioThoracic and Vascular Surgery. The experimental activities entail close doctor-engineer collaboration.

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of heart attack and a common cause of stroke. In our lab at AU and the cardiovascular research center CNIC in Madrid, we study the mechanisms that lead to development of atherosclerosis with experimental models and human arterial specimens. See also

Experimental and clinical research focused on structural heart disease and diseases of the pulmonary circulation. Particular expertise within transcatheter LAA closure in atrial fibrillation, PFO closure, acute pulmonary embolism and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.

Our research group use Danish nationwide databases to study the influence of coronary artery disease with a primary focus on diabetes and antithrombotic medications. Our aim is to improve our understanding of the interplay between coronary artery disease, co-morbidities and medications.

The hypertension research group focus on mechansims and treatment possibilities in resistent essential hypertension and hypertension related to chronic kidney diseases. We are especially interested in the role of large artery stiffness and structural abnormalities of the resistance circulation.

Associate Professors

We investigate mechanisms and causes of right heart failure in pre-clinical models of pulmonary artery banding, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pulmonary embolism and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Our pre-clinical findings are translated to initiate clinical trails.

We employ gene modification strategies, incl. CRISPR-mediated gene editing, to develop biomedical in vitro and in vivo models of human diseases. We are currently focusing on developing novel genetically modified pig models of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders.

My research aims to improve antithrombotic treatment of cardiovascular disease; laboratory studies of platelets, clinical phase II & III studies exploring new drugs for coronary artery disease and heart failure, and registry studies of atrial fibrillation, diabetes and venous thromboembolism.

Nothing in medicine makes sense except in the light of evolution. Our research takes advantage of animal models with adaptations that make them suited to study medical phenomena. We focus on regenerative medicine seeking inspiration from animals with intrinsic potential to regenerate heart muscle.

Our research aims to improve patient outcomes and delivery of patient-centered care after cardiac surgery. We lead and participate in multiple clinical trials as well as large, clinical registry-based studies. Read more at

My research focus on understanding the clinical epidemiology of thrombosis and bleeding disorders e.g. disseminated intravascular coagulation, with particular attention to occurrence, prevention, role of biomarkers, treatment, risk factors, and prognosis.

Our group aims to make full use of the non-invasive functional imaging modalities PET/CT and PET/MR. We are therefore engaged in a constant development of radiotracers and optimization of hardware designed to investigate mechanisms of pathology in cardiac, metabolic and inflammatory diaseases.

We study patients with acute and critical conditions with a specific focus on cardiac arrest. Through observational studies and clinical trials, we aim to improve outcomes for patients with cardiac arrest and other critical conditions.

Dr Rognås’s primary research interests are advanced pre-hospital critical care with a particular focus on pre-hospital airway management, dispatch of pre-hospital critical care teams, pre-hospital critical decision making and human factors.

Our research focuses on experimental cardiac surgery and biomechanical evaluation of different surgical techniques and devices, especially aortic valve repair with aortic rings. We also specialize in development of medical devices for cardiac surgery.


We use epidemiological methods to study causes and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Major focus areas include the study of trends in incidence and prognosis of major cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular risks of NSAIDs, multimorbidity, and comparisons of drug effects in emulated trials.

I focus on development of non-invasive methods based on Magnetic Resonance. This includes pulse sequences and data analysis tools. Main focus is on cardiovascular MRI and kidney functional assessment, and is including both pre-clinical and human research.

Research wise with focus on the Prehospital Emergency Medical Services I am driven by delivering application-oriented research. My research area is health services research with a special focus on patients' experiences as well as how the health professionals and organization can support coherence.

Assistant Professors and Postdocs

How do vascular cells know the difference between living in your arteries or a petri dish? We aim to understand how the local environment's interactions in the blood vessels between mechanical forces, extracellular proteins, and vascular cells modulate arterial diseases.