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PostDoc Mariam Noor, MSc PhD and Associate Professor Leila Louise Benhassen, MD PhD were invited by TV2 to present the evaluation of a novel aortic…
Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD dr.med. (German) receives a generous grant of 100,000 DKK from Brødrene Hartmanns Fond to fund her research in aortic…
Rikke Daugaard, physiotherapist and MHSc will be working with early remote cardiac rehabilitation after cardiac surgery.
Bente Skovsby Toft, BSc PhD will be working with cross-sectorial cardiac rehabilitation following cardiac surgery.
Senior Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and Associate Professor Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD dr.med. (German) receives funding from Helsefonden to investigate the…
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Cardiac Surgeon Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD, dr.med. (German) receives funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation for a…
Kirstine Hermann Jørgensen, MD will be working with the lung microbiome in emphysema patients with chronic obstructive lung disease treated with…
Doctors and nurses with an interest in investigation and treatment of lung cancer patients in Central Denmark Region are invited to a…
Our Associate Professor and Senior Consultant Ivy Susanne Modrau, MD has given an interview on her research to improve quality of life after open…
Alexander Emil Kaspersen, MD won the Young Scientist Award for the best oral presentation in the Young Scientist Award Competition at the 13th Joint…
Thomas Decker Christensen, MD PhD DMSc receives 1,500,000 DKK from Karen Elise Jensens Fond to fund a PhD project.
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The 33rd Annual Geilo Meeting on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research will take place in February at Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, Norway.
The Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery hereby invite all employees, collaborators, and others with an interest in our research to CTVS…
The European Association for Cardio Thoracic Surgery will be hosting the 39th annual meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tua Gyldenholm, MD will defend her PhD "Coagulation and thromboprophylaxis in oesophageal cancer
patients undergoing surgery at 25 October 2024."
Our Research Secretary Jette Breiner is leaving for retirement by 1 October 2024.
Benjamin Kelly, MD will defend his PhD "Lymphatic Consequences of a Univentricular Heart – A tale of two systems" at 28 June 2024.
At May 23, librarian Karen Sigaard from Aarhus University Library will give a talk on how to perform a systematic review.
At March 14, librarian Karen Sigaard from Aarhus University Library will give a talk on how to manage references and the use of Endnote.
Christine Ilkjær, MD will defend her PhD "Mind the Gaps – Exploring the role of a Student Clinic in Cardiac Surgery Follow-up on Patient Care Outcomes…
At November 16, Senior Consultant Cardiologist Niels Holmark Andersen, MD PhD DMSc from Aalborg University Hospital will deliver a speak on writing…
Camilla Omann Kristensen, MD will defend her PhD "Congenital Heart Disease and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes - Does the fetal environment matter?" at 15…