Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) [DA: Hjerte-, Lunge-, Karkirurgi (HLK)] encompasses three medical specialities, including cardiothoracic surgery (which is subdivided into cardiac and thoracic surgery [DA: hjertekirurgi og klassisk thoraxkirurgi]), vascular surgery (DA: karkirurgi), and anaesthesiology (DA: anæstesiologi). The department is led by the department management and has three wards with cardiac, thoracic, and vascular patients, a surgical unit, a post-anesthesia care unit, and a research unit.
The department is structured as below with the following key persons:
Uddannelsesteamet (U-team) består af uddannelsesansvarlig overlæge (UAO), uddannelseskoordinerende yngre læge (UKYL) og uddannelsesansvarlig prægraduat lektor (UPL).
UAO: Anne Eldrup Vester (
Ali Imad El-Akkawi (
Laura Tranekær Skriver (
Søren Smith Bisgaard (
Leila Louise Benhassen (
Viggo Holten Mortensen (
Esben Bjerregaard Madsen (