


Buildings and access

Identification and access/key cards (ID card)

ID cards for identification and to gain access to the department and facilities at the hospital are needed when affiliated with the department. The following procedure is to be followed when ordering the ID card:

  1. When you are affiliated with the department, the Professor Secretary or administration will register your affiliation by creating you as an employee in BSK (BrugerStamdataKataloget).
  2. After your creation in BSK, you have to log in to a regional PC and your regional mail ( You can edit your registration in BSK by going to from within Citrix on a regional PC.
  3. After you are properly registrated as an employee, the Professor Secretary or administration will send an e-mail to the functional address for the ID card administration (Fotoboksen).
  4. To produce your ID card, you have to go to Fotoboksen, located at:
    • Fotoboksen
      Level 1, Universitetstorv North, crosspoint 110, room J116-106.
      Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 07.30-09.30 and 10.00-12.00.

For more information on ID cards see:

Access to the experimental facilities of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University

The experimental facilities are located in two locations: in the basement at Aarhus University Hospital and at Påskehøjgård.

Experimental facilities at Aarhus University Hospital

Access to the experimental facilities in the basement at Aarhus University Hospital is given by sending an e-mail from your university mail to the Administrating Animal Technician:

Include your card number (kortnr.) and serial number (serienr.) from the back side of your ID card in the e-mail.

Experimental facilities at Påskehøjgård

Access is given by...

Work phone

Alle medarbejdere modtager en arbejdstelefon, som det forventes, at man bruger i arbejdstiden.

Det er muligt at omstille telefonen til egen mobil *72 efterfulgt af telefonnummer. Dette ændres tilbage ved *73. Det samme gælder for vagttelefonerne.

Skal man ringe til patienter med egen telefon, kan man ringe fra hemmeligt nummer ved at skrive #31# efterfulgt af det telefonnummer, man vil ringe til.