Funding is needed to carry out research. Without funds, no research. On these pages, everything related to funding at our department is explained.
We fund our research by means of different sources:
External funding is our largest source of funds. The research at the department heavily depends on funds from public and private foundations as well as contributions and collaborative agreements from the industry.
Both major and minor foundations support our research with financial contributions. Relevant foundations can be found at the external funding database Furthermore, a comprehensive list of foundations specifically relevant for our department as well as previous funding sources and funds received can be found at our Google Drive.
The grant proposal is comprised by different documents and is targeted the foundation, organization or funding agency. The proposal is typically comprised by the following documents:
The grant proposal should be styled to the specific fund or organization and should be prepaired in due time.
Read more about the grant proposal at the website of the Research Support Office.
It is important that we register grant applications. This helps us keep track of which foundations supported researchers at the department before and with how much as well as which foundations did not support us before. In addition, the Department of Clinical Medicine recommend researchers to report grant applications exceeding 100,000 DKK.
ReAp is a system to keep track of the external funding of research projects at Health, Aarhus University. When you submit a grant application, you must register the application in ReAp. See the guideline here.
Internal registration to our grant application database should be done with all grant applications submitted. Add your application to the Excel file "Fonds- og bevillingsliste" at our Google Drive. When you receive an answer, mark it with either a "JA" or a "NEJ" in the column "Afvist (Ja/Nej)".
When a grant has been approved, you have to send out a letter of appreciation. A template has been made for letters of appreciation - both a letter from Aarhus University Hospital and Aarhus University.