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Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery
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Research Year Student: Mads Bøgh
PhD project: Mathias Hald
PhD project: Mathilde Aalling
PhD project: Hannah Inez Houborg
Post Doc project: Lisa Maatekor Caulley
Past PhD and doctoral theses
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Department of Clinical Medicine
Research projects
Past PhD and doctoral theses
Main research areas
Research projects
Research Year Student: Mads Bøgh
PhD project: Mathias Hald
PhD project: Mathilde Aalling
PhD project: Hannah Inez Houborg
Post Doc project: Lisa Maatekor Caulley
Past PhD and doctoral theses
Funding and financial support
Research network
Research staff
Past PhD and doctoral theses
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Reinke, R.
Use of fluorescence in thyroid operations
. Aarhus University.
Hansen, A. B.
Two dimensional electrophoresis for identification of immunologically active proteins from the middle ear in chronic otitis media
Swan, K. Z.
The dilemmas of thyroid nodule risk-stratification in the prediction of differentiated thyroid carcinoma
Kjærgaard, T.
Structural, functional, and subjective characteristics of the nasal airway: - with special reference to nasal obstruction and cigarette smoking
Udholm, S.
Small atrial septal defects
. Århus Universitet.
Jensen, K.
Side effects after radiotherapy for pharyngeal cancer
Ovesen, T.
, Haagensen, K. N.
& Kallevik, S. G. K.
Præoperativ vestibulærundersøgelse blandt patienter opereret med Cochlear Implants
Pedersen, C. B., Jepsen, O., Thomsen, K. A., Bretlau, P.
& Ovesen, T.
Øre-, næse-, halssygdomme, hoved- og halskirurgi
. (11 ed.) Munksgaard .
Pedersen, L.
Neonatal hørescreening - En sammenligning af Automatic Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR) og Transient-Evoked Oto-Acoustic Emission (TEOAE)
Tauris, J.
Multifunctional endocytic receptors of the inner ear
Ovesen, T.
& Buchwald, C. V. (2011).
Lærebog i Øre-Næse-Halssygdomme og Hoved-Halskirurgi
. (1 ed.) Munksgaard, København.
Ovesen, T.
, Mainz, J.
, Lund, M.-L. S.
& Kamarauskas, G. A.
Kvaliteten af tonsillektomi udført ambulant i øre- næse- og halspraksis: Identifikation af indikatorer, standarder og prognostiske faktorer
Berg, J. S.
Ischaemic Myocardial Preconditioning. Hemodynamic and motility aspects studied in pigs
Skjøtt, L. B.
In Vivo Study of the Effect of Methylprednisolone on Rat Vestibular Epithelium
Thorsen, A.
In Vitro culture study of human cholesteatoma with examination of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor expression
Hoff, C.
Importance of hemoglobin concentration and its modification for the outcome of head and neck cancer patients treated with radiotherapy
Ovesen, T.
Implications of middle ear hyperoxia induced by ventilation tubes in otitis media with effusion
. Munksgaard .
Ovesen, T.
, Christensen, M.
, Petersen, S.
& Rusann, M.
Fusobacterium Necrophorum in relation to acute ear-nose-throat infections
Nielsen, S. B.
Diagnostic work-up and treatment of patients with cancer of unknown primary in the head and neck
. Aarhus University.
Thorup, M. B.
Considerations of the pathogenesis of human middle ear cholesteatoma
. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Britze, A. F.
Clinical and Proteomic Characterization of Cholesteatoma
Johansen, L. V.
Carcinoma of the pharynx and larynx
. Fællestrykkeriet for Sundhedsvidenskab.
Mortensen, M. V.
Brain maps of auditory processes in normal hearing, postlingual deafness and cochlear implantation
. Fællestrykkeriet for Sundhedsvidenskab og Humaniora.
Pedersen, J. B.
Antibiotikapolitik og dens effekt på behandlingen af infektionspatienter på Øre-næse-halsafdeling H, Århus Sygehus
Revised 10.01.2025
Lotte Bjerregaard Snabe