“Gait Analysis in Healthy Adults: GAITRite and Xsens” by Nielsen Marianne Frydendal, Quist SE, Elsøe R, Larsen P, Møller-Madsen B, Rölfing JD. DOS Kongressen 2024, 13.-15. November 2024, Kolding.
"Orthopaedic Surgery Patient's Perspectives on Current Communcation Pathways After Hospital Discharge and Evaluation of Team-based Digital Communication" by Jensen LWH, Lauritsen REK, Kold S, Rahbek O. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Effect of part-time abduction bracing on developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants age 6 to 12 month" by Bünger MH, Jensen LH, Gottliebsen M. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Is CASTING of displaced pediatric distal forearm fractures non-inferior to reduction to general anestasia: The CASTING trial" by Abildgaard KR, Buxbom P, Rahbek O, Gottliebsen M, Guldtoft PH, Viberg B, Brorson S. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Ultrasonography as a tool in the diagnostics of nerve entrapment syndrome?" by Zakaria Z, Andreasen CH, Bunger M, Hellfritzsch M. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"International Field Test of LIMB-Q Kids: a new patient reported outcome measure for lower limb differences" by Rölfing JD, Chhina H, Klassen A, Vogt B, Belthur M, Esparanza M, Bade D, Kerrigan A, Ranade A, Johnson L, Podeszwa D, Fernandes J, Messner J, Iobst C, Sabharwal S, Repo J, Eylon S, Cooper A. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"The pubo-femoral distance correlates to acetabular inclination and femoral head coverage in hip dysplasia ultrasound" by Husum HC, Hellfritzsch M, Maimburg RD, Møller-Madsen B, Henriksen M, Lapitskaya N, Kold S, Rahbek O. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Scoping review of rotational guided growth in the growing bone" by Halloum A, Kold S, Rölfing JD, Abood AA, Rahbek O. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Is simple talectomy a benficial procedure for severe foot deformity" by Nielsen MF, Rölfing JD, Pedersen LK, Davidsen M, Møller-Madsen B. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Outcome of Pavlik Harness treatment for unstable hip dysplasia in infants by Bünger MH, Jensen LH, Gottliebsen M. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Five-day accelerated Ponseti protocol is efficient and safe in the treatment of clubfoot" by Engell V and Qwist SE. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Point-of-care ultrasound in hip dysplasia screening increase detection rates by 60%" by Husum HC, Hellfritzsch M, Maimburg RD, Henriksen M, Møller-Madsen B, Lapitskaya N, Kold S, Rahbek O. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
"Birthweight correlates to pubo-femoral distances and alpha angles in hip ultrasound of newborns at six weeks of age" by Tirta M, Hellfritzsch M, Maimburg RD, Henriksen M, Lapitskaya N, Kold S, Møller-Madsen B, Rahbek O, Husum HC. Dos Kongressen 15 - 17 October 2023, Copenhagen.
“Neu radiologische Referenzwerte der zentralen Kniegelenksanatomie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen” by Rölfing JD. Presented at Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin 24-27 October 2023.
“Zoledronate increases Bone Mineral Density in children with severe cerebral palsy: A randomized, controlled trial” by Møller-Madsen B, Granild-Jensen J, Langdahl B, Rackauskaite G, Farholt S, Vestergaard E, Søndergaard C. ePoster presented at the 2023 POSNA Annual Meeting, April 26-28, 2023, in Nashville, TN, USA.
”Is Simple Talectomy a Good Salvage Procedure for Severe Foot Deformity?” by Nielsen MF, Rölfing J, Pedersen LK, Davidsen M, Møller-Madsen B: Abstract presented at the 41st EPOS Annual Meeting in Krakow 29th March to 1st April 2023 and at the POSNA Annual Meeting, April 26-28 2023, Nashville, TN, USA.
“New reference values for femoral floor angle and tibial roof angle in 8-16-year-old children” by Hvidberg E, Vogt B, Gosheger G, Rölfing JD, Antfang C, Abood A, Rödl R, Møller-Madsen B, Frommer A. Abstract presented at the 41st EPOS Annual Meeting in Krakow 29th March to 1st April 2023.
“Fracture rates in children with cerebral palsy: a nationwide register-based study (SubID: 52390013505)”. Granild-Jensen JB, Pedersen AB, Kristiansen EB, Langdahl B, Møller-Madsen B, Søndergaard C, Farholt S, Vestergaard ET, Rackauskaite G: E-poster presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society in Krakow 29th March to 1st April 2023.
“Midwives can measure the pubo-femoral distance reliably in ultrasound screening for developmental dysplasia of the pediatric hip” by Husum HC, Hellfritzsch M, Henriksen M, Lapitskaya N, Møller-Madsen BM, Maimburg R, Rahbek O. Abstract presented at DOS Kongressen 2022.
“No osteolysis at the telescopic junction of 128 FITBONE lengthening nails” by Leblanc C, Rölfing J, Langlais T, Sales de Gauzy J, Accadbled F* (2022). Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2022; Epub ahead of print. doi.org/10.1016/j.otsr.2022.103501.
”Screening for hip dysplasia using pubo femoral distances is more effective than clinical examinations and risk factors” by Husum HC, Damkjær R, Hellfritzsch MB, Henriksen M, Lapitskaya N, Kold S, Møller-Madsen B, Rahbek O. Abstract presented at the 41st EPOS Annual Meeting in Krakow 29th March to 1st April 2023.
“Morphology of the knee joint after tension-band plating” by Hvidberg EJ, Møller-Madsen M, Møller-San Pedro A, Rölfing JD, Møller-Madsen B, Abood A. 40th EPOS Annual Meeting European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Copenhagen, 6/9 April 2022.
"Five-Day Accelerated Ponseti Method For The Treatment Of Clubfoot" by Vilhelm Engell, Søren Qwist. 23rd EFORT Congress, Lisbon 22-24 June 2022.
“Immersive VR increased the pain threshold and reduced anxiety in children” by Pedersen LK, Fisker LYV, Rölfing JD, Ahlburg P, Veien M, Vase L, Møller-Madsen B. EPOS Congress 6th through 9th April 2022.
“Anatomical Variations of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve in a Paediatric Population – an in vivo study” by Langeland L, Pedersen LK, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B. EPOS Congress 6th through 9th April 2022.
“Accelerated Ponseti method is an effective treatment for Congenital Clubfoot” by Vilhelm Engell, Ole Rahbek, Mathias Bünger & Søren Qwist at NOF Centennial Congress 13-15 May 2020, Clarion Hotel Trondheim, Norway.
“Clinical Outcome Of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction With Insertion In The MCL In Children And Adolescents With Recurrent Lateral Patella Dislocations” and “Accelerated Ponseti method is an effective treatment for Congenital Clubfoot” by Vilhelm Engell. 21st EFORT Congress, 10 June – 12 June 2020.
“The association between pain and physical activities for children with cerebral palsy” by Østergaard CS, Pedersen NSA, Thomasen A, Mechlenburg I, Nordbye-Nielsen K. Presented at DOS Congress 23rd October 2019.
“Experience with anatomical re-alignment for severe Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis with surgical dislocation of the hip joint. Use of intraoperative monitoring of femoral head perfusion” by Martin Gottliebsen presented at the DOS Congress 23rd October 2019.
“Retrograde Femoral Nailing Through an Open Physis Does Not Impair Growth in Pigs” by Abood AAH, Rahbek O, Christensen BB, Olesen ML, Møller-Madsen B, Kold S. presented at LLRS 2019 in Boston and EFORT 2019 in Lisbon.
"A randomized trial of Zoledronate in Children with Cerebral Palsy" by Granild-Jensen, J. E-poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Children’s Bone Health, Salzburg, Austria, 22-25 June 2019.
"Retrograde femoral nailing through an open physis does not impair growth in pigs" by Abood AA, Rahbek O., Møller-Madsen B, Olesen ML, Christensen BB. presented at the 20th EFORT Congress in Lisbon, Portugal 5-7 June 2019.
Hans-Christen Husum won YODA best paper at the competition held at the Dos Congress on 25/10-2018 for the abstract and presentation of the study: ”Suggestion for new pubofemoral distance cut-off value for instability in lateral position during DDH screening”.
The following abstracts were presented at DOS Kongressen 2018 from 24-26 October at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Copenhagen:
”Suggestion for new pubofemoral distance cut-off value for instability in lateral position during DDH screening” by Husum HC,
"Complication rate of hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures. A retrosprective study of 201 hips with mean 3.2 years follow-up" by Kristensen NK, Martinkevich P, Tábori-Jensen S, Jacobsen S, Barckman J,
"Comparison of direct and indirect measurements of pulse in the proximal femoral epiphysis using an intracranial pressure monitoring probe" by Gottliebsen M, Bünger M, Abood AA, Engell V, Rahbek O,
"Accelerated Ponseti method is an effective treatment for Congeital Clubfoot" by Engell V, Bünger M, Rahbek O, Ege S.
The following abstracts and posters were presented at the NOF 59th Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13th-15th 2018:
Oral presentations:
"Accelerated Ponseti method is an effective treatment for Congenital Clubfoot" by Vilhelm Engell , Niels Wisbech-Pedersen, Bjarne Lundgaard, Søren Overgaard
"Pubo-femoral distances as screening for instability in DDH" by Hans-Christen Husum, Michel B Hellfritzsch, Nina Hardgrib, Bjarne Møller-Madsen, Ole Rahbek
"Congenital Clubfoot treated by the Ponseti method – a consecutive prospective series evaluated" by The Clubfoot Assessment Protocol (CAP) by Vilhelm Engell , Niels Wisbech-Pedersen, Bjarne Lundgaard, Søren Overgaard
"Accelerated Ponseti method is an effective treatment for Congenital Clubfoot" by Vilhelm Engell, Mathias Bunger, Ole Rahbek, Søren Ege
"Epiphyseal Geometry After RFA Epiphysiodesis. Is the Relation Between Height and Wideness of the Epiphysis Affected?" by Juan Shiguetomi-Medina, Jesper Holbeck-Brendel, Ole Rahbek, Bjarne Møller-Madsen.
Inter-rater reliabilitet af dansk Challenge-test af avancerede motoriske funktioner, til børn og unge med cerebral parese. Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen. Godkendt til mundtlig præsentation ved Danske Fysioterapeuters Fagkongres 2018. Abstract.
Authors: Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen(1,2),, Thomas Maribo(3,4), Trine Friis Gehlert(5), Michael Overgaard(6), Ole Rahbek(1,2), F. Virginia Wright(7,8), Bjarne Møller-Madsen(1,2)
(1)Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus C, Danmark, (2)Aarhus Universitets Hospital, Aarhus C, Danmark, (3) Institut for folkesundhed, Aarhus Universitet,(4) Region Midtjylland, DEFACTUM, Aarhus C, Danmark, (5)FysioVital, Risskov-Rønde, (6)Thomsen Fysioterapi Randers,(7)Holland Bloorview Rehabilitation Hospital, Toronto, Canada, (8)University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
"Development and validation of an algorithm to predict the clinical outcome of wound healing using thermographic scans" by Ramírez-GL JL, Martínez-Jiménez MA, Lesage-Soria VJ, Kolosovas ES, Shiguetomi-Medina JM, Mariel G, González FJ, Alcocer F. 2017 Canadian Connective Tissue Conference.
Abstracts presented at SESSION 6: PEDIATRICS/FOOT AND ANKLE, Wednesday, 25th October 2017, 11:00-12:00, Room: Helsinki/Oslo
Chairmen: Bjarne Møller Madsen & Jeannette Penny:
PRP-enriched Allogenic Cartilage Decreases Risk of Bone Bridge Formation after Physeal Injury in an Experimental Porcine Model. Authors: Ahmed Abdul-Hussein Abood, Bjarne Møller-Madsen, Juan Manuel Shiguetomi-Medina, Morten Lykke Olesen, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Casper Bindzus Foldager, Ole Rahbek.
Prevention of Bone Bridge Formation using Autologous Cartilage in an Experimental Porcine Model. Authors: Ahmed Abdul-Hussein Abood, Bjarne Møller-Madsen, Juan Manuel Shiguetomi-Medina, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Casper Bindzus Foldager, Ole Rahbek.
Structural hydroxyapatite tricalciumphosphate graft vs. tricortical iliac crest autograft in paediatric calcaneal lengthening osteotomies.
The final results from a randomised controlled noninferiority trial. Authors: Polina Martinkevich, Ole Rahbek, Maiken Stilling, Line Kjeldgaard Pedersen, Martin Gottliebsen, Kjeld Søballe, Bjarne Møller-Madsen.
"Potential of growth-arrest by temporary epiphysiodesis – Comparison of modern RigidTacksTM and traditional Blount-Staples in a porcine animal model" by Roedl R., Møller-Madsen B. Abstract, published at the 36th Annual Meeting in Barcelona, EPOSNA 2017.
"Evaluation of Treatment of Bone Bridges after Injury to the Growth Plate" by Abood AAH. Møller-Madsen B. Shiguetomi-Medina JM. Stødkilde-Jørgensen H, Foldager CB. Rahbek O.: Abstract. 18th EFORT Congress in Vienna from 31 May to 02 June 2017.
"Epiphyseal Geometry After RFA Epiphysiodesis. Is the Relation Between Height and Wideness of the Epiphysis Affected?" 10.1594/ecr2017/C-1484 by J. M. Shiguetomi-Medina1, J. Holbeck-Brendel, O. Rahbek, B. Møller-Madsen. E-poster. Presented March 1-5 2017 in Vienna, Austria, and online.
"Evaluation of Treatment of Bone Bridges After Injury to the Growth Plate", oral presentation by Abood AAH, Møller-Madsen B, Shiguetomi-Medina JM, Foldager CB, Rahbek O. Danish Orthopaedic Society (DOS) Congress 2016.
Two abstracts from Nina Hardgrib Madsen accepted at DOS Conference 26 – 28 October 2016 in Copenhagen:
1. Obstetric risk factors in children with Congenital Muscular Torticollis
2. Life threatening PVL-positive MRSA sepsis with tibial osteomyelitis and septic arthritis of the knee in a previously healthy 13-year-old boy: a case report.
“Introducing the Challenge and Challenge-III for ambulatory children and youth who have cerebral palsy” accepted for an Instructional Course during the AACPDM 70th Annual Meeting at the Diplomat in Hollywood, Florida from September 20 to 24, 2016 by Kirsten Nordbye-Nielsen PT, Ph.D. student & Virginia Wright PT, Ph.D.
"The revised FLACC behavioural pain scale: Reliability and validation for pain assessment in children with cerebral palsy" by Line Kjeldgaard Pedersen, MD, Ole Rahbek, MD, Ph.D, Lone Nikolajsen, MD, Ph.D, DMSc & Bjarne Møller-Madsen, MD, DMSc presented at the 34th EPOS Annual Meeting in Marseille, April 2015.
Presented at DOS, June 2014:
“Danish Translation and adaptation of gait outcomes, a patient reported priority based outcome measure” by Nordbye-Nielsen K, Narayanan U.,Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Are pain thresholds in children influenced by orthopedic surgery? – A prospective study“ by Pedersen LK, Martinkevich P, Rahbek O, Nikolajsen L, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Early experience with bone scan SPECT CT in assessing adolescents with complex problems in the foot and ankle region" by Rahbek O, Eastwood DM, Easty M, Biassoni L.,
"Outcome after resection of tarsal coalition in children" by Abood AAH, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Reliability and validation of the Oxford Ankle Foot Questionnaire (OxAFQ) in 82 Danish Patients aged 5 to 16 years" by Martinkevich P, Møller-Madsen B, Gottliebsen M, Kjeldgaard Pedersen L, Rahbek O.,
"Inhibition of Micromotion induced Osteolysis in a Sheep Hip Arthroplasty Model" by Jakobsen T, Kold S, Shiquetomi-Medina J, Baas J, Søballe K, Rahbek O.,
"Reduced force development in rat soleus muscle after exposure to Botulinum Neurotoxin A" by Gjessing S, Rahbek O, Shiquetomi-Medina J, Nielsen OB, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Comparison of outcomes and complications of hip arthroscopy for mixed hip disorders in adolescents versus adults: a prospective cohort study" by Ramachandran M, Achan P, Gottliebsen M, Møller-Madsen B.
Abstract by Sofie Gjessing accepted for meeting in The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine in San Diego in september 2014 and NOF in May 2014.
The following abstracts were presented at the DOS Annual Meeting, October 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark:
"Poor agreement between radiographs and clinical examinations in children with genu valgus" by Hardgrib Madsen N, Gottliebsen M, Hellfritzsch MB, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Thermal Epiphysiodesis Made with Radio Frequency Ablation: An Alternative Treatment for Leg Length Discrepancy" by Shiguetomi-Medina JM, Rahbek O, Stødkilde-Jørgensen H, Møller-Madsen B.,
"A Morphological and Functional Magnetic Resonance Study: Bone Growth Plate Imaging" by Shiguetomi-Medina JM, Rahbek O, Stødkilde-Jørgensen H, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Battered Child Syndrome, is there a suffient knowledge among emergency room doctors?" by Buhl Bersang A, Korsgaard Villadsen J, Thorninger R, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Barographic Measurement of Seating Position in Children with Cerebral Palsy Undergoing Hip Surgery" by Line Kjeldgaard Pedersen L, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Dennyson-Fulford procedure for children with severe hindfoot valgus. Forteen years of follow up" by Martinkevich P, Kjeldgaard Pedersen L, Rahbek O, Møller-Madsen B.,
"Is 8-plates superior to staples in the treatment of idiopathic genu valgus? A randomized clinical study" by Gottliebsen M, Rahbek O, Hvid I, Davidsen M, Hellfritzsch MB, Møller-Madsen B.,
Group participation at 31st EPOS Annual Meeting in Helsinki 18.04 – 21.04.2012:
Abstracts accepted for the conference:
Oral presentation
Growth control of long bones can be achieved with totalepiphysiodesis using 8-plates. An experimental study with repeat magnetic resonance imaging sessions
Martin Gottliebsen, Bjarne Møller- Madsen, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Ole Rahbek
Oral presentation
No differences in growth plate zone fractions in a comparative porcine study on 8-plates versus staples
Martin Gottliebsen, Ole Rahbek, Hanne Damgaard Poulsen, Bjarne Møller-Madsen
Guided growth for the abnormal physis. Experience with the 8-plate technique in non-idiopathic cases
Martin Gottliebsen, Manoj Ramachandran, Mark Paterson, Matthew Barry
Bjarne Møller-Madsen will be chairperson on the session Basic Science 19.04 at 9 AM.
Ole Rahbek will be chairperson on the session Upper Limb/Foot and Ankle 21.04 at 11 AM.
At the SMOP (Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia Pediatrica) in Cancun, Mexico 18.11 – 21.11.2011 PhD-student Juan Manuel Shiguetomi Medina received a 2nd price for his presentation on “Efetos del Contenido de Fósforo en la Dieta Sobre el Volumen, Mineralizacion y Crecimiento Oseos. Un Estudio Controlado en un Modelo Animal (porcino).”
Juan Manuel Shiguetomi Medina also received a third price for his presentation on “Estimaciones metabólicas en Hueso Utilizando Secuencias Especializadas de Resonacia Magnética Functional: Un Nuevo Método de Estudio.”
At the European Pediatric Orthopaedic Society (EPOS) meeting april 7 – april 9 in Basel, Schwitzerland Ole Rahbek presented the paper;
"Long-term outcome after delayed surgery for radial head dislocation in children" by Ole Rahbek, Søren Deutch, Søren Kold, Jens Ole Søjbjerg, Bjarne Møller-Madsen.
"Growth Plate Flow and Metabolism Screening Using MR: A New Application for Specialized MR Sequences" by Juan Shiguetomi-Medina, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Ole Rahbek, Bjarne Møller-Madsen. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, AAOS, Annual Meeting, 15-19 feb, 2011, San Diego California, USA and at the Orthopaedic Research Society, Annual Meeting, January 13-16, Long Beach, California, USA.
"Long-term outcome after delayed surgery for radial head dislocation in children" by Ole Rahbek, Søren Deutch, Søren Kold, Jens Ole Søjbjerg, Bjarne Møller-Madsen presented at the Nordic Orthopedic Federation Congress, Aarhus, Danmark, May 2010.