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Workplace intervention among pregnant hospital employees - a cluster randomised trial evaluating well-being measures.
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Mattioli, D., Thomas, G. W., Long, S. A.
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Poor usability of computer-assisted navigation for hip fracture surgery.
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Husum, H. C.
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Gustafsson, A.
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Tirta, M.
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Acta Orthopaedica,
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Can simulation-based team training reduce sickness absence among healthcare professionals?. Abstract from 6th Annual Research Meeting at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus N, Denmark.
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Jønsson, C. E., Poulsen, L.
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Danish Linguistic Validation and Cultural Adaptation of the LIMB-Q Kids.
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Simonsen, N. V.
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Danish translation and linguistic validation of the LIMB-Q, a PROM for traumatic lower limb injuries and amputations.
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Rölfing, J. D., Salling, L. B., Long, S. A., Vogt, B., Anderson, D. D., Thomas, G. W.
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Establishing Construct Validity of a Novel Simulator for Guide Wire Navigation in Antegrade Femoral Intramedullary Nailing.
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Exploring the relationship between simulation-based team training and sick leave among healthcare professionals: a cohort study across multiple hospital sites.
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Stokholm, R., Larsen, P.
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Intramedullary nailing versus external ring fixator for treatment of tibial fractures – a study protocol for a randomised clinical trial.
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