New research project aims to make sport and exercise easier for diabetes patients
Associate Professor Esben Søndergaard of the Department of Clinical Medicine has been granted almost DKK 2.5 million by Independent Research Fund Denmark to study blood glucose regulation during exercise by people with type 1 diabetes.

Exercise and physical activity are good for both the body and soul, but for people with type 1 diabetes exercising can be a challenge, as it leads to major fluctuations in blood glucose levels. In 2019, a clinic for athletes with type 1 diabetes opened in Steno Diabetes Centre Aarhus, to help type 1 diabetes patients to exercise and practise sport on an equal footing with others.
The work in the clinic has provided the inspiration for several research projects, and in a new project Esben Søndergaard and his research colleagues are examining the effect of different strategies for insulin treatment, and the role played by the time of day at which exercise is taken. The researchers will also be examining blood glucose regulation during competitive sports for athletes with type 1 diabetes.
The aim is for the results to provide new knowledge and better guidance on exercise and training for people who are living with type 1 diabetes – and thereby get more of them to practise sports and take advantage of the beneficial effects.
The project EXerCise In TypE 1 diabetes (The EXCITE-1 study) will receive DKK 2,482,483 in support from Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Associate Professor, PhD and Specialty Registrar Esben Søndergaard
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine and
Aarhus University Hospital, Steno Diabetes Centre Aarhus
Mobile: +45 2873 0943