Aarhus University Seal


Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Optimization in Cystectomy


Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of a perioperative Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA), tailored interventions, and implementation of an interdisciplinary collaboration in older, frail patients with bladder cancer undergoing radical cystectomy.

Primary outcome is number of Days-Alive-Out-of-Hospital (DAOH) 90-days postoperatively. 

Number of patients included: 143 patients

Method: The study will be a national randomized trial. Patients ≥65 years of age and considered frail by assessment with the G8 screening tool, will be eligible for inclusion.

Patients will be randomized 1:1 and allocated into either control or intervention study arm. The control group will receive perioperative “care as usual” according to exciting principles and guidelines. The intervention will comprise a preoperative, thorough geriatric, multidisciplinary assessment, focused on optimizing health issues of expected importance in further course of surgery. Furthermore, postoperative ward rounds by a geriatric team will be conducted. Thus, the course of treatment for each patient will be a close interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Status: Including

Sites:  Dept. of Urology and Dept. of Geriatrics from:

  • Aarhus University Hospital
  • Odense University Hospital
  • Aalborg University Hospital


Katharina Skovhus Prior


Phone: +45 30 91 54 31
